Mushrooms and tree saplings on my lawn

Mushrooms on my lawn?

Mushrooms are actually part of a fungus that grows underground, hidden from sight. The mushroom is the tip of a fungus iceberg, if you will – a clue that a large fungus lies buried in soil. Lawn fungi and their mushrooms don’t harm a lawn. They’re actually good guys in the ecosystem of your yard, breaking down organic material into nutrients your lawn can use.


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Lawn Fungus: What’s going on with my lawn?

Lawn Fungus: What’s going on with my lawn?

As temperatures increase, it is not uncommon for homeowners to experience lawn fungus situations. These funguses, often caused or aided by the combination of heat and rain/humidity, or even by poor soil conditions, can be debilitating.

Two common conditions for lawn fungus are:


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Crabgrass Treatment

Crabgrass Treatment

Crabgrass is a pale green, low growing, annual, wided bladed, grassy weed. It remains a common frustration for homeowners in our Dayton, Cincinnati, and Columbus service areas.  Why are we mentioning Crabgrass now? By far, the most effective method for controlling crabgrass is by preventing it with an application of pre-emergent. This is a weed preventative product that provides a barrier to stop crabgrass from ever getting started in your lawn.


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Free Lime, Iron and Gypsum Soil Treatments?

Free Lime, Iron and Gypsum Soil Treatments?

Free Lime, Iron, and Gypsum. Free soil treatments. Four free wheels with purchase of a car. Wait, what?

Four free wheels when you buy a car. Isn’t that just part of the deal? Where are we going with this?

I’m sure many of you have had a telemarketer or an overly friendly door-to-door sales person try to throw in free Lime, Iron, and Gypsum if you start their lawn care service. It sounds good. But is it?


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Lawn Care Discounts

Our Lawn Care Discounts

We work extremely hard to keep our prices reasonable. We want there to be zero reasons not to work with us for your beautiful AND safe lawn. However, we do have clients ask us occasionally if there is anything we can do to reduce their cost. Here are a couple ideas:


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Horticultural Oils and How They Help Your Landscape

Horticultural Oils and How They Help Your Landscape

lawn insectsAt The Organic Turf Company we offer a wide variety of products and services to help you keep your lawn & landscape healthy and beautiful. One of these is our tree and shrub program. I get asked a lot what this program consists of, so today I am going to tell you about the first application we do in the early spring.

Every spring, we spray all the ornamental plants with a 100% organic horticultural oil.  These are generally a mineral oil or one of a variety of vegetable based oils that are sprayed on your plants to combat certain types of insects. On your plants there are many types of insects, both good and bad.  We understand this and make sure we are doing what we can to take care of the most difficult ones while generally leaving the good insects alone.


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Brown patches in my yard?

What Are Those Unsightly Brown Patches In My Grass?

We’ve been getting a LOT of calls this week wondering about lawn spots browning or areas that look like they have been damaged. We put together this Brown Patch Lawn Fungus Fact Sheet (printable .pdf file or you can read it below) on Brown Patch to help answer these questions. We’re more than happy to make an application to eliminate the spread or deterioration of these areas. As always, please give us a call with any questions, special requests, or to get your remedial application scheduled.


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