How long does it take for Dandelions to die?
How long does it take for Dandelions to die? Each spring, as weeds start to grow again, our team hears a common question from new
How long does it take for Dandelions to die? Each spring, as weeds start to grow again, our team hears a common question from new
Cedar Apple Rust Our beautiful Ohio spring is here and so is the wet weather that comes with it. When this happens, our lawns and
Fall Lawn Care Advice As fall approaches, hot summer temperatures often give way quickly to chill. This time of year brings conditions that homeowners need
Seeding Lawn in the Fall So, your lawn needs some help. Maybe its not as thick as you’d like or there is some damage from
How do I correctly water my lawn? Great question! In the Dayton, Cincinnati, and Columbus regions, The Organic Turf Company recommends that watering be done
Mushrooms on my lawn? Mushrooms are actually part of a fungus that grows underground, hidden from sight. The mushroom is the tip of a fungus
Lawn Fungus: What’s going on with my lawn? As temperatures increase, it is not uncommon for homeowners to experience lawn fungus situations. These funguses, often
Crabgrass Treatment Crabgrass is a pale green, low growing, annual, wided bladed, grassy weed. It remains a common frustration for homeowners in our Dayton, Cincinnati,
Free Lime, Iron and Gypsum Soil Treatments? Free Lime, Iron, and Gypsum. Free soil treatments. Four free wheels with purchase of a car. Wait, what?
What Are Those Unsightly Brown Patches In My Grass? We’ve been getting a LOT of calls this week wondering about lawn spots browning or areas that