Crabgrass Treatment

crabgrass treatment

Crabgrass Treatment

Crabgrass is a pale green, low growing, annual, wided bladed, grassy weed. It remains a common frustration for homeowners in our Dayton, Cincinnati, and Columbus service areas.  Why are we mentioning Crabgrass now? By far, the most effective method for controlling crabgrass is by preventing it with an application of pre-emergent. This is a weed preventative product that provides a barrier to stop crabgrass from ever getting started in your lawn.

crabgrass treatment

In a lawn left unprotected, Crabgrass can begin to germinate when the soil temperatures reach 55℉ at a depth of a few inches for multiple days in a row. As the soil temperatures rise, seeds from the prior year begin to germinate, resulting in crabgrass typically being visible starting in mid June. However, before Crabgrass ever gets started, our spring lawn applications are protecting your lawn!  

With our first 2 spring applications, we are applying our pre-emergent with your lawn fertilizer and weed control to ensure crabgrass has minimal chances of success in your lawn each year.

You have a part to play in this crabgrass war as well. Mowing no shorter than 3 ½ inches will help control weed occurrence. Since crabgrass thrives in bare soil, seeding thin areas can dramatically limit crabgrass. Working together, you and your technician can really make your lawn shine!