How long does it take for Dandelions to die?

How long does it take for Dandelions to die?

Each spring, as weeds start to grow again, our team hears a common question from new customers.  “How long will it take to get my weeds under control?”  While we can tell you that you will normally see results in 7-14 days after a service, I thought it would be better to show you.  Since one of my neighbors just started service this year, it’s been fun taking photos over the last 2 weeks of his lawn’s transformation, specifically shown in the photos of his Dandelions.

At Day 2, you can see the most noticeable change is that the leaves of the Dandelion are starting to stand more upright or rigid.

At Day 5, you can start to see significant changes.  Most noticeable is the leaf tissue changing from green to brown or purple.  Also, you can see the stems begin to shrivel, sometimes even looking like a corkscrew.

At Day 11, you can tell that the weed is almost entirely dead.  The leaves have minimal life left in them and have shrivelled up significantly.  The Flower stems have hardly any height to them and display the corkscrew tendencies.  Its important to note that the nearly dead Dandelion still has a yellow flower!

At this point, the Dandelion is dead and it’s not likely that the plant will populate a new generation this coming fall.  Hopefully these photos help you anticipate what you might see over the next couple weeks if you start or have service with us.