It’s Mosquito Season!
Even though there is a lot of sun, mosquitoes are still going to be running rampant around your property. They are not a fan of direct sunlight and dry areas, but there are many various hiding places for them to go.
Be on the look out for those shady areas and near any standing water, like ponds. You may still find that terribly little creature there, waiting to pounce.
Beware of the cool shady areas, because they are more than likely there waiting for you. A fun fact about mosquitoes: The only ones that bite are the female mosquitoes. They only need your blood donation to help them with laying their eggs. The female then lays up to 300 eggs at one time.
If you make sure that there is no standing water around your house. Even if it is a capful size, the mosquitoes will lay their eggs there and multiply. Standing water is a major thing to help minimize the amount of mosquitoes that are buzzing around your lawn.
On those cool nights outside around a bonfire, they may be there. You do have a little good news. As the season starts to cool down, they are less likely to bite. Anything less than 50 degrees, the mosquitoes do not prefer to bite.
We are still able to help minimize the mosquitoes if you want to contact us and talk about a few options. Our mosquito spraying service is available for our Dayton, Cincinnati, and Columbus clients. Don’t hesitate, call today and we’ll be happy to put you on our mosquito control schedule.