Landscape Bed Maintenance
I bet you can easily finish this phrase: An ounce of prevention is worth ____.
The phrase, of course, is a pound of cure.
That’s a 16x return for doing the right thing, ahead of time.
Why would we, as a lawn and landscape company, be bringing this up in February? Because the right time to get a jump on weeds in your mulch beds is quickly approaching. Winter annuals like chickweed are soon coming to life and will do their best to spread quickly in your mulch beds.
But, getting ahead of weeds is the best approach. Applying a pre-emergent in your beds and gravel areas will provide season long prevention of new weeds like Crabgrass, Dandelions, Spurge, and the list goes on. We suggest applying a product like Preen in your beds in the month of March.
If you don’t want to mess with that yourself, we would be glad to offer you a season long bed maintenance program. We suggest 5 visits per year to both prevent and eliminate weeds in your mulched beds, gravel areas, and driveway cracks. And, when you sign up before the end of February, we would love to offer you a 10% discount!
So don’t delay. Get going on your weed prevention plan, or just call us!